Wednesday, May 7, 2014

An explanation of the CNG Key Isolation (KeyIso) service in Windows 7.

What does the CNG Key Isolation (KeyIso) service do?

The CNG (Cryptographic Next Generation) key isolation service is responsible for storing the keys for cryptographic information in a secure place. For example; the CNG service would store a wireless network’s key, or cryptographic information for a smart card.


  • Service name: KeyIso
  • Description: The CNG key isolation service is hosted in the LSA process. The service provides key process isolation to private keys and associated cryptography operations as required by the Common Criteria. The service stores and uses long-lived keys in a secure process complying with Common Criteria requirements.
  • Path to executable: C:\windows\system32\lsass.exe
  • Startup type: Manual

Does my computer need the CNG Key Isolation (KeyIso) service?

Yes your computer needs this service to stop cryptographic information securely.


First off, I have to say that it’s best to leave service optimization up to Microsoft. With that said; leave this service alone and let Windows determine if it should run or not.

1 comment:

  1. You have to be joking leave it up to Microsoft! You can never ever leave any I mean anything up to others for them to control what fits you and how you use besides they have goals that for sure do not include custom fit OS per person. Come on! As to the question that was what the service was and did has not been said only to copy the Microsoft explanation. It would help if you give real examples of the what and how and when. What goes wrong if not on and why? If you know help with a true understanding not a leave it up to someone else to manage
